Senior Lecturer & Head of Department

BA (Pub Admin), MA (Pol Sci) Mlw, PhD Leeds   

Michael holds a Bachelor of Arts (Public Administration) and Master of Arts (Political Science) from University of Malawi. He joined the Department of Political and Admin­istrative Studies as a Lecturer in 2011 and was promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer in 2014. He was the Deputy Head of Department (2011-2013) and Head of Department (2013-2014). Before joining University of Malawi, Michael lectured in the Department of Political Leadership at Catholic University of Malawi where he also served as Head of Department. His teaching, supervision and research interests include local governance, decentralization, local government, politics of development, political economy, African politics, and agriculture policies in the con­text of development. 

Michael is a member of research group called Future Agricultures Consortium composed of researchers from University of Ghana, University of Cape Town, Uni­versity of Malawi and University of Sussex. He has also participated in a number of regional research initiatives focusing on “Water, Gender and Governance” (Univer­sity of Malawi, University of Nairobi, University of Zimbabwe, University of Oslo, and International Water Management Institute-Republic of South Africa); “Aid Ef­fect: What Works? When, Why and For Whom?” (University of Malawi, University of Zambia, University of Oslo, China Agriculture University); and “Transnational Commercial Land Deals in Africa” (University of Malawi, University of Ghana, Uni­versity of Nairobi and University of Western Cape.) He has offered his consulting services to Tilitonse Governance Fund as a member of Core Expert Advisory Group. He has also carried out commissioned studies for local and international organizations including Food and Agriculture Organisation, Catholic Commission of Justice and Peace, Concern Universal, Danish Church Aid, Plan International, ActionAid, World Bank and Malawi Government. 

Currently, Michael is on study leave undertaking doctoral studies at the School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK. His doctoral work focuses on Political Economy of Poverty Reduction Interventions in Developing Countries such as Malawi.

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